Just Pat

"...all language about everything is analogical; we think in a series of metaphors. We can explain nothing in terms of itself, but only in terms of other things." (Dorothy Sayers, Mind of the Maker, 1941)

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Location: West Michigan

Sunday, May 22, 2005

The Construction Chronicles, Part 16


My friends are the best. Have I told you my friends are the best? I mentioned I turned 43 on 5/14. Well, I was attacked by love last Thursday night by Captain Wow, Amazing Man, Headless, the PickleO's, St. Doppleganger and his bride, the Tree Climbing Dutch Girl from Minnesota, and other super secret underworld masterminds. Total surprise. As evidenced by my reaction, digitally captured:

Bad closeup of surprised

I was spoiled beyond belief. The night was marked by a last supper reenactment, a thong joke, two provocative scoops of rice, a flying turtle, and communal ice cream. If I told you more, I'd have to kill you.

Thanks, friends. Your presence was the greatest gift.

Okay - on to the chronicle:

About two hours of work left, and I'm ready for carpet. All of the baseboard is installed - yes! Just a little more filling, a little more painting, and there's nothing to prevent the carpet installation. So, tomorrow I'll make the appointment - in faith - for the end of this week.
And the sink that I meant to buy too small so that we could build a ledge for it? It needs the prime and finish coats, but I think it turned out great.

The kitchen sink has running water. It took me about two minutes to take running water up there for granted.

It feels good to be so close to finishing - and also a little sad. It's been a great year. Dick and Grace have been so wonderful and so fun. We've had our tense moments, but they don't last long. They're already talking about working on the second floor. When I think of it, it sounds like a sequel to a hit movie. Timing is everything.

Next chronicle:
Drink to me only with thy fibers...and I will pledge thee with my feet...


Blogger Jaden's Mom said...

Wow, now I can identify your eye in a line up. :)

Your house is looking beautiful! I so admire your abilities there.

Your birthday party sounds like it was absolutely wonder-full. In this mixed up world we live in, there is nothing more valuable than faithful friends, particularly when your circle of friends is composed of underground masterminds.

1:28 AM  

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