Just Pat

"...all language about everything is analogical; we think in a series of metaphors. We can explain nothing in terms of itself, but only in terms of other things." (Dorothy Sayers, Mind of the Maker, 1941)

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Location: West Michigan

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Construction Chronicles, Part 20

There's something about the shellac I like better than the poly. It's the golden glow. I also like that once finished, you can keep it shiney or you can take fine steel wool to it to get a soft, satin finish. This was my first attempt at shellac, and I'm pretty excited about it. Now that shellac is no longer a mystery to me, the anxiety over the project is gone and I'm enjoying getting it done.

Now, the
wounded, war-torn attic door is done. The filler is still visible if you look closely, but the glossiness of the shellac hides the holes from immediate view. To think the door and trim were once white! It should be against the law to paint over beautiful wood trim.

Yesterday, while the door was drying, I set up shop in the driveway. I stripped seven pieces of trim and sanded and stained eight. Babbette supervised from the back steps, and the neighbor dogs affirmed my efforts from their side of the fence.

I've done so much of the house work inside that I rarely see my neighbors. Yesterday I had conversations with three of them - a record! It's been hotter than blazes the last few days, but it's still better outside than in.


Saturday, July 23, 2005

The Construction Chronicles, Part 19

They say a picture paints a thousand words.

This is what I woke up to this morning. My bathroom counter bears testimony to my lifestyle, even more than the flecks of paint I can't get out of my hair.

Clockwise, beginning left:
  • Blow dryer with diffuser still attached
  • Victoria's Secret body spray - for that unexpected run to the hardware store in the middle of a project
  • Ibuprofen - needs no explanation
  • Secret - strong enough for this woman
  • Yesterday's used coffee cup
  • Black & Decker drill/screw gun and drill/screw case
  • Brochure from trip to DC last week - love those painted tiles at the capitol
  • Battery charger
One of these days I might get a soap dish.

The attic apartment is done. DONE!!! Except for cleaning, it's ready for occupancy. Final pictures to come.

I've discovered that I love, love amber shellac. Tune in tomorrow and I'll show you why.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

New Heading

I'm giving the Matrix a rest. It's served me well, but I think I've about sucked it dry for quotables. Of course, the right mood at the right time might dredge a few more from the movie. For now, I think Dorothy fits here better.


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