Just Pat

"...all language about everything is analogical; we think in a series of metaphors. We can explain nothing in terms of itself, but only in terms of other things." (Dorothy Sayers, Mind of the Maker, 1941)

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Location: West Michigan

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

A Picture Paints A Thousand Words

I'm a sentimental decorator. I like my old family pictures, and furniture and "stuff" that came from someone, or somewhere, that means something to me. Has memories attached. I don't think everyone needs to be that way, but honestly, it is one of the qualities I enjoy about myself unashamedly.

I like me...I like MEEEEEEEEEEE...

Oops, back to you.

I just painted and recarpeted the epiphany porch. I needed an instant gratification project. And, since I spend a lot of time on the porch, it was the best "instant" I could think of. Except, the instant turned into a whole week. But, finally, I am now hanging pictures. Getting ready for the Ginster to join me for coffee and epiphany talk on Wednesday night.

So, I'm hanging pictures. And I am struck by what I am hanging. I have two pictures with quotes, from two ladies I don't see much of anymore. Two women I worked with. Worked for, really. One a clinical director, one a WIC coordinator. And I realize that, on my epiphany porch, I have a sketch of my life, written on those two pictures.

From Wanda:
"Days that are cold and grey and lonely do not last forever...birds know this, and that is why they sing." -D.Gerard

From Pat:
"One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood." -Seneca

It would be a sweeping generalization to boil my life experience down to fit those two quotes. But, much of it does fit. And, I'm suddenly amazed that these women gave me these gifts of verse. Unknowing prophets. Marketplace associates. Caring acquaintances. Angels of God.

I know you can't possibly understand why these mean so much to me right now. You don't know them, and you don't know the countless moments that link me to them. But, I'm certain you can understand that those we rub elbows with day to day get to know us well, and are capable of blessing us with reflection that we only come to appreciate when we look back over our lives. I am full of thankfulness for thoughtful women who saw me.

Wanda and Pat. My epiphany porch is your shrine. You don't even know it.

Lord, please use me more to bless others by seeing them.


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