Just Pat

"...all language about everything is analogical; we think in a series of metaphors. We can explain nothing in terms of itself, but only in terms of other things." (Dorothy Sayers, Mind of the Maker, 1941)

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Location: West Michigan

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

My Cat's Celebrity Match

I never would have guessed that Babbs has a soul mate in Hollywood. But today, fortunately for both of us, I thought I'd visit emode.com and see what the new quizzes were. Well, surprise surprise...it ain't emode anymore; it's "Tickle." Tickle! Well whatever. That's when I found the link for "Who is your cat's celebrity match?"

Yeah baby, that's my quiz!

Babette isn't your typical kitty, as I've mentioned in previous posts. She's a blue persian smaller, with blue-gray hair and big orange eyes. She doesn't play much; rarely, actually. She loves whatever you are eating. She won't jump on your lap, but she will sit in your presence, if she trusts you, or if she feels pretty, and she will blink affirmingly. A great cat for cat lovers with allergies, really.

She is very strict regarding her morning feeding schedule. Not even so much the feeding part of it; we simply must get up at the time that it seems right to feed Babbs. Which is anywhere from 4:30 a.m. - 6:00 a.m. (Ginster - can I get a witness?) Sometimes I get down to the kitchen and she could care less about the Fancy Feast. She is a routine, quiet, pretty kitty.

So, imagine my surprise, after watching "Pirates of the Carribean" on Sunday afternoon, to find that Johnny Depp is Babette's celebrity match! Whoa. I didn't see THAT coming. But, now that I think of it, she does sort of resemble the personality of his Dorian Gray role in "A League of Extraordinary Gentlemen." Her female counterpart is Scarlett Johannson. Well, I don't know much about her so let's stick to Johnny.

I told her about this, and she didn't have much to say. She kind of somberly took it in, wiggled her little palsey head wiggle and gave me a big blink. I guess that's a good sign.

I wonder if I should email Johnny and let him know.


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