Just Pat

"...all language about everything is analogical; we think in a series of metaphors. We can explain nothing in terms of itself, but only in terms of other things." (Dorothy Sayers, Mind of the Maker, 1941)

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Location: West Michigan

Monday, October 18, 2004


I actually still have hits on my site every day, even though I haven't posted anything in over a week. Sorry if you came and found nothing.

I've been busy. I was at a conference Tuesday through Thursday. Friday was very busy at work. Then Friday night was euchre. Then Saturday home improvement. Sunday morning lasted until almost 2:00 p.m. Then it was crash time for JustPat.

My pastor talked Sunday morning about the effects of being busy. Too busy. He preached from the scripture about the sisters Mary and Martha. Mostly about Mary. He showed a clip from the end of the movie "Man on Fire." He talked about the kind of love that is born of gratitude.

The sermon stung me. It's not that I'm not grateful. I am. And it's not that I'm really that busy. I know lots of people who are juggling busier schedules and agendas than me. But, I have become too internally busy to quiet myself. To allow myself to daydream about how wonderful my Beloved is, and how precious I am to him.

All the things I'm doing are important, especially the people things. And really, all the things I'm doing that are not directly with people are for people; my job, my house, even this little post.

I'm homesick for the contentment and gentle knowing of His presence as I go about my day. For time over my bible first thing in the morning; closing my eyes and feeling His heart, hearing His whispers, connecting His wisdom to my path.

I think I'll turn my heart in the direction of His providence. I'll listen, and be quiet. I think I'll start now.


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