Just Pat

"...all language about everything is analogical; we think in a series of metaphors. We can explain nothing in terms of itself, but only in terms of other things." (Dorothy Sayers, Mind of the Maker, 1941)

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Location: West Michigan

Sunday, April 03, 2005

My Latest Hero

You'll find him under my "Dead People" links. You'll hear a lot of commentary about him by turning on the television, so I won't expound here. I'll only say that I spent a lot of the day Saturday in tears over our loss.


Blogger Pat said...

You know Janay, I don't think the feeling ever goes away. Remembering my grandmother and great aunt, and other elderly people who got that far away look in their eye when they talked about people they had known who had died...

I think it goes back to the garden, like Daryl mentioned on Sunday, and that in our genes we know we were not made for death.

That being said, I do want to embrace Jesus on this journey through our changing world, as you mentioned. I think that's what faith is all about - letting go of the familiar and trusting God for the new.

11:55 AM  

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