Waskewy Wabbit!!
My nephew Corey thought it would be fun to profane my art by Dialectizing my blog. Look what Elmer Fudd has done to my Matrix Quotes!
Matwix Qwotes I've Abused
"It's the qwestion that dwives us, Neo"
"Okey dokey.. fwee my mind. Wight, no pwobwem, fwee my mind, fwee my mind, no pwobwem, wight..."
"I imagine that wight now you'we feewing a bit wike Awice, tumbwing down the wabbit howe."
"Nevew send a human to do a machine's job."
"It's wike a spwintew in youw mind, dwiving you mad..."
"Choice. De pwobwem is choice."
"Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you bewieve you'we fighting fow something? Fow mowe than youw suwvivaw? Can you teww me what it is? Do you even know? Is it fweedom? Ow twuth? Pewhaps peace? Yes? No? Couwd it be fow wove? "
"I know Kung Fu."
"You have to undewstand, most of these peopwe awe not weady to be unpwugged. And many of them awe so inewt, so hopewesswy dependent on the system, that they wiww fight to pwotect it."
"I stiww wike candy."
"Dewe is no spoon, uh-hah-hah-hah. "
"You didn't come hewe to make a choice, you've awweady made it. You'we hewe to twy to undewstand why you made it."
"Buckwe youw seatbewt, Dowothy, cuz Kansas is going bye-bye."
"You take the bwue piww, the stowy ends. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! ..you wake up in youw bed and bewieve whatevew you want to bewieve. You take the wed piww, you stay in wondewwand and I'ww show you how deep the wabbit howe goes. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! "
"Wewcome to the desewt of the weaw."
Matwix Qwotes I've Abused
"It's the qwestion that dwives us, Neo"
"Okey dokey.. fwee my mind. Wight, no pwobwem, fwee my mind, fwee my mind, no pwobwem, wight..."
"I imagine that wight now you'we feewing a bit wike Awice, tumbwing down the wabbit howe."
"Nevew send a human to do a machine's job."
"It's wike a spwintew in youw mind, dwiving you mad..."
"Choice. De pwobwem is choice."
"Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you bewieve you'we fighting fow something? Fow mowe than youw suwvivaw? Can you teww me what it is? Do you even know? Is it fweedom? Ow twuth? Pewhaps peace? Yes? No? Couwd it be fow wove? "
"I know Kung Fu."
"You have to undewstand, most of these peopwe awe not weady to be unpwugged. And many of them awe so inewt, so hopewesswy dependent on the system, that they wiww fight to pwotect it."
"I stiww wike candy."
"Dewe is no spoon, uh-hah-hah-hah. "
"You didn't come hewe to make a choice, you've awweady made it. You'we hewe to twy to undewstand why you made it."
"Buckwe youw seatbewt, Dowothy, cuz Kansas is going bye-bye."
"You take the bwue piww, the stowy ends. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! ..you wake up in youw bed and bewieve whatevew you want to bewieve. You take the wed piww, you stay in wondewwand and I'ww show you how deep the wabbit howe goes. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! "
"Wewcome to the desewt of the weaw."
I love this!!!! I think you should post your whole blog in this dialect!! lol
My favorite one is "you take the bwue piww..." I can hear old Elmer saying it!
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