Just Pat

"...all language about everything is analogical; we think in a series of metaphors. We can explain nothing in terms of itself, but only in terms of other things." (Dorothy Sayers, Mind of the Maker, 1941)

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Location: West Michigan

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Prayers While Restoring an Old Door

Lord, do you ever wonder when the fixing will ever end?

Do you ever pop yourself in the head and ask yourself, "What were they thinking?"

Do you ever think you're finished, then come back to realize there are 157 more holes to fill?

Do you remember the care in the original construction? The dreams? The gratitude? The distant gaze?

Do you see me taking care to fix it properly, to remember the hands that created it, to remember the tree that became it?

Do you see me now, and before, and then?

Lover of my soul, take the work of my hands and make it a witness of your patience through the ages, yesterday, today, and forever.


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