The Construction Chronicles, Part 17
It looks different. It feels different. It smells different.
It is different.
Now that the carpet is in, there's about one full day left of work to do before the attic is habitable. What the heck will I do with myself?
Ah, yes. The second floor.
Of necessity, I've already begun, because the attic door needs to be finished in order for the apartment to be truly finished. So, this weekend I heat stripped all the door jambs, and chemical stripped three of the five off the second floor hallway. I've also sanded the door, which Amazing Grace Elephant Company dip-stripped last fall.
Which brings me to this.
Whenever we buy houses, we tend to demonize the former owner. Or owners past. It's part of the initiation of the home to hold previous care and decorating of the house in disdain. I've been on both sides of the sale. I know it's part of home ownership.
But I have to ask: What the frickin heck were they thinking??
Why would anyone pop one thousand four hundred twenty seven tack holes in a one hundred year old door?
Okay, that's an estimate. But I bet if this was a church bazaar contest I'd win the door prize.
So, the next step is to carefully fill all of the tiny holes with stainable wood filler. That won't take a long time. But will it look okay when I'm done? The only alternative is to replace the door altogether, and that's not an option, financially speaking. So, it will look as good as it can, or rather as good as I can make it.
I spent most of today outside. I mowed, I trimmed, I swept. I had AAA roadservice come jumpstart the Jag so I could pull her out of the garage and give her a bath. She's so purrty. Unfortunately, her battery didn't hold the charge so I'll have to have her jumped again. But getting her clean brought me one step closer to summer.
This evening , I'll try my hand at shaving Babbette for the first time. She's overdue for her summer coif. My groomer closed shop, and I was left with the dilemma of finding another groomer, or purchasing a grooming kit for the same price as one visit. I may regret my decision after tonight, but it will only cost me one groom, so what's to lose? Other than my blood...